Products to improve erection

products to improve potency

The general condition of our body and individual organs in particular depends on what we eat. Some foods do not have any effect on male power, others improve it, and still others weaken it. To avoid the development of erectile dysfunction, you need to know which foods increase potency, you also need to eat right, including the most healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet.

Meat and fish

Among the products that increase potency, experts primarily distinguish meat and fish. It is this food that is very rich in protein, which is necessary for the production of testosterone. At the same time, eating only one meat is also not recommended - you can get the opposite effect. When choosing meat, stop at a leaner one; of the fish, flounder and mackerel are considered the most useful.


Dairy and dairy products are also rich in protein. It is useful to drink curdled milk, kefir, eat cottage cheese and sour cream. Please note that yogurt, beloved by many, does not bring a tangible effect. This is due to the fact that during the heat treatment process, it loses most of its useful properties.


Chicken and quail eggs should be an indispensable part of the diet of every man who cares about his potency. These products contain useful trace elements, vitamins A, E, B6 and easily digestible substances.


The use of squid, shrimp, mussels, oysters has a very favorable effect on potency. Such food is a real source of unsaturated acids and trace elements necessary for normal potency.


Nuts are called "ambulance" for male power. Peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios contain vegetable protein and vitamin E, useful for potency. Vitamin E is also found in seeds and vegetable oils.

Vegetables and greens

Vegetables and greens contain many vitamins and microelements, which not only activate the sex glands, but also generally strengthen the immune system. Carrots, cabbage, turnips, radishes, parsley, lettuce, celery help maintain potency for many years. It is especially worth highlighting onions and garlic, they should always be in the diet of an adult man. Basil, St. John's wort, anise, mint, tarragon, cilantro, asparagus also have a good effect on male power.


Some sweet foods are considered excellent potency stimulants: honey, cocoa, dark chocolate, dried fruits. To prepare a powerful remedy for increasing male strength, you only need 100 g of nuts and a tablespoon of honey. Such a treat should be eaten every day 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Products that can harm

Not all products have a positive effect on our body and, in particular, on the sexual sphere, some of them can only aggravate the situation. Such food can be classified as semi-finished products and fast food. This also includes sausages, sausages, sausages, since the meat content in them is very small, while there are many dyes, flavors, preservatives. Carbohydrate-rich foods can also cause problems with potency in men: pasta, rice, potatoes. Sweet carbonated waters and energy drinks, which are saturated with "fast" carbohydrates, negatively affect potency and the vascular system. Caution should be taken with coffee and alcohol. These drinks stimulate potency only when consumed in small doses, and their frequent use has the opposite effect. Bread can be both harmful and beneficial for male power. Rye or bran bread is considered useful, as it contains vitamin B. And it is better to exclude white bread from refined flour from the diet: it does not contain nutrients, but only supplies the body with "fast" carbohydrates.


Not only food, but also drugs that help eliminate the cause of potency disorders (vascular endothelial dysfunction) can be an excellent helper to restore male strength. There are a huge number of medicines, with a different mechanism of action. But all of them allow you to restore the erectile function of a man and improve potency. The selection of the drug should be carried out only after consulting a specialist.